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Sports Highlights Packages

Are you serious about receiving an athletic scholarship? Welcome to where your personalized highlight sports reel is created for coaches, scouts, and recruiters to determine your skills, work ethic, and speaking ability. I VISION PRODUCTIONS is experienced in providing you with a professional quality package that stands out above other athletes who are searching for scholarships.  

The General Time frame for a Highlight Video is  between 2-4 weeks after the final footage is received. If a faster turnaround time is necessary, additional 25-50% fees may apply. Specifics regarding every one of our highlight video packages are below:

*Footage provided by client up to 20 plays w/shot sheet (DVD disc, Video CD, SD Card only).
*Includes slow motion, spot shadowing, and replay effects.
*Includes bio page with photo, key statistics, awards, stats, and contact info.
*Includes mp4 file to upload the video on various social media sites web sites.

*Includes Bronze Package.
*Professional videographer for one game.
*2 Additional DVDs of raw footage and highlight video.

*Include Bronze Package.
*Professional videographer for two games.
*Additional 2 DVDS of raw footage and 2 copies DVDs for highlight video.

* Include Bronze Package.
* Videographer for two games.
*Training shoot and Interview.
* 3 DVD's of raw footage and 2 copies of highlight videos.