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Charity Highlight Event



BRONZE PACKAGE : $175.00                                         Sample videos below:

Principle McGhee feature Story

*1 hour of video footage.

Freedom Place Community Celebrates 35 years of growth.

*Includes video 3 minute highlight film.

*Includes  church bio page.

*Includes USB file to upload the video on various social media   

   sites and websites.

*1 Data Disc for raw and highlight film.

Sports and Academic Initiative Workshop/Seminar

*1 song selection.


Building a Mentor and Mentee relationship


*Includes Bronze Package.

* Photography for 30 minutes 

*1 additional song selection.

*DVD graphic design of highlight film.



*Include Bronze Package.

*Additional 1 hour of photography or video services.

* 3 additional song selections.

*2 Graphic designed DVDs.



*Include Bronze Package.

* Additional 1 hour of photography or video services.

* Include photography for an hour.

* Include Reporter.

* Include Interviews.

* 5DVDs w/ graphic design for highlight film.