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Please note that taxes and travel expenses has not been included in the service charge. If you have any questions, comments, or concerns please refer to the contact section, thank you!

Silver package include: $50.00
*Photographer for 1 hour
*Provide your own 32g SD card

Bronze Package: $75.00
Photographer for 1 hour
*Includes temporary SD card for photo storage
*1 Data disc with all photos

Gold Package: 150.00
*Includes photography for 1 hour
*Include SD card for photo storage
* 2 data disc with all the photos
* 1 minute and 30second photo montage

Platinum Package: 300.00
*Include photographer for 2 hours
*2 data disc with all the photos
*Free upload to various of social media websites
*3 minute photo montage

Staff at senior prom making sure the students behave them selves. 

Staff at senior prom making sure the students behave them selves. 

Young Men Of Excellence performing a step show for the school body. 

Young Men Of Excellence performing a step show for the school body. 

Student receive a scholarship from Total Package Lifestyle at senior graduation. 

Student receive a scholarship from Total Package Lifestyle at senior graduation. 

Cheerleaders posing for the yearbook

Cheerleaders posing for the yearbook

Students were selected as 2014 Prom King and Queen. 

Students were selected as 2014 Prom King and Queen. 

Middle school students tour the radio station at the high school open house. 

Middle school students tour the radio station at the high school open house. 

Principal McGhee discussing school attributes to parents at the open house. 

Principal McGhee discussing school attributes to parents at the open house. 

Senior National Honor Society Cap and Gown Picture.

Senior National Honor Society Cap and Gown Picture.

Senior National Honor Society Cap and Gown Picture.

Senior National Honor Society Cap and Gown Picture.

Baseball player getting up after diving to home base for a score. 

Baseball player getting up after diving to home base for a score. 

Seniors playing football at their senior picnic. 

Seniors playing football at their senior picnic. 

CoCo giving awards for a  high school talent show she hosted. 

CoCo giving awards for a  high school talent show she hosted. 

Senior at the prom with his date. 

Senior at the prom with his date. 

Students go on a field trip to Motown Museum. 

Students go on a field trip to Motown Museum. 

Senior pose for picture during senior picnic. 

Senior pose for picture during senior picnic. 

Students working in the film studio producing high school news. 

Students working in the film studio producing high school news. 

Students patiently waiting for their name to be called for their diploma. 

Students patiently waiting for their name to be called for their diploma. 

Students receiving instructions in television and film cameras. 

Students receiving instructions in television and film cameras. 

The Drumline performing for the open house. 

The Drumline performing for the open house. 

Student performing at CoCo's talent show she presented to the school. 

Student performing at CoCo's talent show she presented to the school.