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123 Street Avenue, City Town, 99999

(123) 555-6789


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Link to read me page with more information.

Memorial Tribute

Silver package include: $50.00
*Photographer for 1 hour
*Provide your own 32g SD card

Bronze Package: $75.00
Photographer for 1 hour
*Includes temporary SD card for photo storage
*1 Data disc with all photos

Gold Package: 150.00
*Includes photography 30 minutes and videography for 30 minutes
*Include SD card for photo storage
* 2 data disc with all the photos
* 3 minute and 30 second photo montage

Platinum Package: 300.00
*Include photographer for 1 hour videographer for 1 hours
*2 data disc with all the photos
*Free upload to various of social media websites
*5 minute photo & video highlight film