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I Vision Productions LLC is a multimedia production company with a vision to bridge the gap between the community awareness of their access to multimedia services that are affordable and of professional quality. That’s why our slogan is “Capturing Priceless Moments,” because I Vision Productions believe you can’t put a price on historical moments. LaMarr Copeland, founder and Director of Development for I Vision Productions said, “We don’t buy based on price amount, we buy based on value.”

I Vision Productions mission is to transform communities globally by educating, servicing, and providing infotainment to communities in the industry of multimedia production.



Learn more about us

Please visit the about page for more about i Vision Productions Founder: Read More

Providing students to learn a variety of platforms that can assist them in obtaining skills in the multimedia industry

I VISION PRODUCTIONS uses the latest versions of top software and hardware from tech industry leaders such as Sony, Adobe, Apple, Microsoft, Google, and more. If you want a company that encourages student achievement through performance arts and digital media technology a list of the training programs are listed below:

  • Youth Sports Media Network (YSMN)

  • Social Interactive Educational Stage Plays

  • Community News Network

  • Radio/Television/Film

  • Journalism/Newspaper

  • Yearbook Design/Photography

  • Public Speaking Training

  • Website building

  • Transformative leadership

Seeking sub-contractors or interns who are self motivated individuals with a commitment to providing professional quality services.

Employment/Internship Opportunity Part Time Contractual Positions:

  • Camera operator/Photographer

  • Assistant Directors &/Or Technical Director

  • Script Writers &/Or Reporters

  • Video Editors &/Or Producers

  • Voice Talent/Actors/Actress

  • 3D Animator/Web Developer

  • Poets/Public Speakers Comedians/Dancers

  • Song Writers/Music Set Designers/Musicians

  • Lighting Technician

Over 20 years of experience working within the Multimedia Production Industry. The media services that are displayed are specifically built to enrich the lives of communities around the world.

I VISION PRODUCTIONS LLC is one of few companies that service and provide positive transformation in the process for the youth of the future.We have a passion for giving communities the essential tools necessary to become responsible multimedia creators.

  • Creating Radio/TV/ Film

  • Professional Photographer

  • Digital Video Branding/Marketing

  • Podcasting

  • Audio/Video/Photography and Graphic Design and Much more…

I Vision Productions mission for at risk students around the world is to train employ and provide audio and visual services to low income families.

I Vision Productions prices and services are customized packages that are unique because they are geared toward building a relationship with our partners for longer than “1” historic day throughout your entire lives! We aim to capture our partners year after year on every historic day throughout their lives! Click link below to find out prices browse the customized packages that we provide for our Community Partners. The Community Partners we are referring too…are you! Thanks, in advance for your support and generosity.
Feel free to contact 313-806-7148 regarding your creative vision. If we can't beat or meet competitors prices, we will provide you with an hour of a free service of choice.

Click to find out more on our contact page: