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Photo Video Montage

                                                 Sample Videos below:

Francesca practicing with Michigan Elite Volleyball team.

*Footage provided by client up to 25 photos (Data Disc,  USB, or SD Card only).
*Includes 1 song selection, up to 3:30 seconds
*Include Photo transitions and Color Correction
*Includes 1 copy of photo montage DVD

Baby shower montage for guest to see as they enter the event.

*photographer for 1 hour, up to 50 photos (Data Disc,  USB, or SD Card only).
*Include  2 song selections, up to 5 minutes, transitions, web upload
*2 copies of highlight video w/ DVD photo (front of DVD)

*Include photgrapher for 1 hour, up to 100 photos.
*Include 3 song selections, up to 5 minutes, transitions, web upload.
*3 copies of DVD, photo DVD,  DVD play menu.

* Include photgrapher for 3 hours, up to 150 photos
* Include 5 song selections, up to 6 minutes, transitions,web upload
*DVD menu, photo caption for 10 pictures, 
* 4 photo DVD copies.